Are you feeling more stressed and anxious than usual? By Desi Christou|2020-05-14T13:44:35+01:0014 May 2020|Blog, Coaching|
Do you sometimes over-think things and wind yourself up in the process? By Desi Christou|2019-11-27T14:45:35+00:0027 November 2019|Blog, Coaching, Confidence Blog|
7 Steps to Boost your Confidence By Desi Christou|2019-01-30T13:09:39+00:0030 January 2019|Blog, Coaching, Confidence Blog|
Thoughts, confidence and your sense of self… What’s the link? By Desi Christou|2013-07-11T10:58:07+01:0011 July 2013|Coaching, Front page|
Stressed? Worried? Anxious? Are self-doubts filling your head? Coaching, Confidence Blog, Front page Stressed? Worried? Anxious? Are self-doubts filling your head? By Desi Christou|2013-07-02T10:19:21+01:002 July 2013|Coaching, Confidence Blog, Front page|
The Joys of a Peaceful and Quiet Mind… By Desi Christou|2013-06-27T16:17:52+01:0027 June 2013|Coaching, Confidence Blog, Front page|